Photo 1: The lines on the zebra represent those on the Chanel garment due to their placement.

Photo 2: The lines that cover the sea snake also cover the Chanel garment in the photo.
[(n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2010, from http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.stockphotopro.com/photo-thumbs-2/A98438.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.stockphotopro.com/photo_of/green/A98438/Window_with_green]
Photo 3: The lines on the window make up squares much like the lines used in this Chanel garment.

Photo 4: The arches on St. Patricks cathedral represent the upward arched lines portrayed in the Chanel garment.

Photo 5: The curve of the road directly resembles the curved line on the Chanel garment.

Photo 6: The lines in this design form uneven squares much like bricks.

Photo 7: The stripes on the fish resemble the lines placed on this Chanel garment.

Photo 9: The stripes on the American flag closely resemble the red lines in the design itself.

Photo 10: The thick lines this Chanel design presents look very similar to Britain's flag.
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